Marine Science Center

In Social Studies

This past unit we have been covering in depth talks about Native Americans. We have been studying the main characteristics of each tribe, their location, their traits and trades, and have what type of music they created. Here is one of our favorite Native American music videos. Hope you enjoy!

5th Grades Favorite Native American Video

Cherokee Native American "Morning Song"

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Native American Pole Carving

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Mohawk Indians helped build the Golden Gate Bridge

Our Circle Man

Our Circle Man

Our Formulas for Circles

Our Formulas for Circles

This week's lessons and standards

This week's lessons and standards

What's going on in Math?

We also have been brushing up on our prime, composite, and perfect square numbers. Just in case you forgot,

Prime- Only 2 factors. For instance: 3, 2, 11, 13

Composite- Has more than 2 factors. For instance: 4, 10,9

** Think, composite has more letters in it, it also has more factors. **

Square Numbers- A number multiplied by itself is a square number. There are perfect squares becuase in reality there are really perfect squares- you just have to have the same number in each dimension for your square.

For instance: 4 (Because 2 x 2=4)

9 (Becuase 3 x 3=9)

16 (Because 4 x 4=16)

All the perfect squares up to 13 are:

4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 169

We have also been brushing up on are angles and degrees for turns.

0, 90, 180, 270, 360

Porsahe's All Star Notes

Porsahe's All Star Notes

Homework for the day

Homework for the day

Extra Resources!

There are plenty of resources available for students to use wherever they have a computer! Here are a couple:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mrs. Pelham's 5th Grade Class
Bobcats Hard at Work